
5 Best Marketing Strategies for Plastic Surgeons


Boost Your Practice

Proven marketing strategies for plastic surgeons to attract the right patients. In healthcare sectors such as dental and plastic surgery, recruiting new patients is essential to keeping the practice running. Based on our experience as a digital marketing agency, this video shows you five basic points to attract new clients if you are a plastic surgery business owner and have a marketing budget.

SEO for Plastic Surgeons

Keyword research for Plastic Surgery

Content Marketing for Plastic Surgeons

Boost Your Practice

Proven marketing strategies for plastic surgeons to attract the right patients. In healthcare sectors such as dental and plastic surgery, recruiting new patients is essential to keeping the practice running. Based on our experience as a digital marketing agency, this video shows you five basic points to attract new clients if you are a plastic surgery business owner and have a marketing budget.

Branding and Web Presence

The Center of Customer Acquisition Strategies

Your website will continue to be the center of any customer acquisition strategy in 2024 for a very simple reason: it is a place that supports the largest number of tracking tools. If all marketing and customer acquisition efforts are not channeled through the web, many resources are wasted. In 2018, Google updated its algorithm, aimed specifically at the medical area, cataloging medical pages as YMYL or “Your Money or Your Life”. These pages are evaluated with additional parameters of indexing, relevance, authority, experience, and trustworthiness. These standards affect search position, and if they are not adequately met, Google will prefer another website that does.

Pay per Click or Organic Traffic?

This is one of the points of greatest confusion in attracting clients for plastic surgery. In our experience of more than 12 years as a digital marketing agency, SEM pay per click campaigns work to send direct traffic and try to establish conversions quickly. However, its cost is extremely variable depending on the keywords, time of day, and location. These leads are more expensive and considerably wear out sales teams since they are cold leads without prior patient information.  

plastic surgeons

On the other hand, organic campaigns take longer to gain traction, but once they achieve it, the flow of leads is constant. The cost is much lower and the leads are more qualified, going through a conversion funnel. Sales teams are less exhausted as leads respond better, and there is more information about the potential patient at the time of contact. The fundamental difference between these types of campaigns is that with pay per click, you will maintain leads as long as you invest. On the other hand, with SEO, if you stop investing, you will continue to receive leads through optimized channels, increasing the value of your clinic as a company thanks to organic positioning. Our strategy is to set a budget for pay per click while working on the authority and organic positioning of the website to gradually bring the pay per click budget to zero. 

Social Networks: Followers Vs Patients

Social media can be a vanity trap. Having 150,000 followers and only two sales a month through this channel indicates that you are working for these big tech companies. The appropriate strategy is to collect segmented personal data from all followers and use it for specific marketing actions, on or off social networks. According to a meta study, in 2023, social media users browse in entertainment mode 70% of the time, in informational mode 25% of the time, and in shopping mode only 5% of the time. You need to design your campaign objectives with this in mind. 

Video Strategy

Video is a fundamental pillar of communication strategies. Youtube, affiliated with Google, is the second largest search engine in the world, after Google. This means that with less budget, we can reach a larger group of people at a lower CPC cost, as long as we understand where the user is and their search intent. Youtube has a high content of instructional, informational, and entertaining videos. By understanding the intent of our prospects, we can use this video network as an effective patient recruitment mechanism. 

At Digital Media 305 we specialize in growing medical practices like yours.

Attracting Patients

These are five basic points for recruiting new patients in plastic surgery. As we develop our campaigns, we must know our audience better to generate content that meets their needs and activate the triggers that lead them to purchase. At Digital Media 305, we have been developing marketing and patient acquisition for plastic surgery clinics in South Florida for more than 12 years. Receive a free analysis and audit, a certified strategy session and a personalized quote today. Start attracting more patients today.

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