
The Rains Have Passed: It's Time to Call a Public Adjuster

These five strategies will lead the Injured (your potential prospects) to contact a Public Adjuster before contacting an insurer directly. The effectiveness of your recruitment campaign will depend on how well you segment your target audience. At Digital Media, we specialize in communication strategies and attracting new clients.


Five Strategies to Attract Clients Once the Waters Recede

The Governor of Florida has declared a state of emergency due to the recent rain and flooding in South Florida. As a Public Adjuster, now is the perfect time to reach out to new clients affected by these events. Here are five strategies to help you attract clients during this rainy season:

1. The Magic of Zip Codes

Reaching users affected by the floods is as simple as locating the affected zip codes. Create a list of these locations and target them with your ads. Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram offer PPC (Pay Per Click) tools that allow you to focus on specific zip codes. This means that as soon as a phone is turned on in any of these areas, your ads will appear right where the disasters have occurred.

public adjuster miami fl

2. Lookalike Audiences

If you have had clients in previous years, you can leverage this data to find new clients. Lookalike audiences are a powerful way to reach new people who are likely to be interested in your services because they share similar characteristics with your existing customers. Simply upload your client lists to Meta, and it will find people with similar interests who are located near the areas of your former clients.

Reach out to us, and we’ll provide you with a FREE, detailed guide on how to attract more clients.

miami public adjuster

3. Mailing Lists

A high percentage of your former clients likely still live in the same areas and face similar conditions. Therefore, it is very effective to create a consistent outreach campaign (twice a week) to educate them on details such as preventing water from entering their property, preparing for hurricane season, and maintaining their homes to prevent mold. This approach helps build a sense of proximity and trust between the affected people and your Public Adjuster company.

4. Google Ads to Boost Content

Google Ads is one of the largest PPC networks in the world. Competing for searches like “Public Adjuster Miami” or “Public Adjuster Near Me” can be costly. A more strategic approach would be to focus on informational searches like “water damage repair,” “does home insurance cover water damage,” or “how to claim home insurance for water damage.” These searches lead to an information page with your contact information, making it easier for potential clients to find you.

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5. Advertising 360°

Advertising 360 combines all the previous strategies. This approach analyzes the areas where victims are located and evaluates which methods are most effective for prospects in those areas. Potential clients will be impacted by Instagram ads, see Google Ads content, receive emails with instructions on handling water damage, and be repeatedly exposed to your brand. If a person is impacted more than seven times without contacting your company, the system automatically discards the contact to avoid additional costs and maintain your company’s image.

miami public adjuster

These five strategies will lead prospective clients to contact a public adjuster before contacting an insurer directly. The effectiveness of your recruitment campaign will depend on how well you segment your target audience. At Digital Media 305 we specialize in communication strategies and attracting new clients.

Contact us today to design a customized strategy for your business once the waters subside.

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