Lee County Public Adjusters
If you are in Lee County and you are a Public Adjuster, these numbers will interest you.
If you are in Lee County and you are a Public Adjuster, these numbers will interest you.
In Lee County, the word “public adjusters” and its variations are searched between 100 and 1,000 times per month, with an average payment of $6.93 for the click on the first page and $29.36 for the Click at the top of that first page. These numbers are for CPC (cost per click) campaigns for Lee County only. In this case, you pay every time someone clicks on your ads.
On the organic side (the searches that people do proactively) in the last month alone this is some interesting data:
Organic: Searches that users do proactively without clicking on any ads, which means that it is a large audience that you can reach with valuable content, such as questions that people have about the services of a public adjuster or related topics.
These are the searches that people do in the county and its surroundings (20 miles). Taking these searches as a reference we could draw some conclusions.
The SEM option includes activating social networks and networks such as Google Ads to appear in front of customers where they are looking for their problem. This option has a daily investment that is prorated to 30.4 days (this is the month for Google) and generates clients to the extent that the segmentation is specific and that the sales team manages to correctly convert new leads.
The minimum investment in a campaign for a public adjuster with a local projection, that is, clients who can be within a range of 10 miles of the Public Adjuster (so that the visit can occur) would be around $5000.00 – $8,000 per month. This investment would cover the costs of implementation of the campaign, maintenance and the amount paid to Google for Clicks. The suggested stay time would be three months to have access to Google’s Artificial Intelligence tools.
The SEO option is the organic option. This alternative covers organic searches with content of value for users and channels traffic to the Web. In this case, the first results take at least two weeks to appear and work is done directly with the company’s databases, and new databases are created, which allows the company to have a flow of clients sustained over time by longer than SEM campaigns (which once you stop paying, you stop appearing)
The minimum investment in an SEO campaign for a public adjuster with a local projection, in this case, Florida, is in the range of $3,800.00 to around $4,500 per month in optimal conditions. If the Adjuster does not have a Website, it would have to be implemented because everything runs on the client’s Website. This investment is suggested to be maintained for at least four months in order to create a robust tool (the Web) that is positioned above the current competitors that lead the market.
This option is a mix of the previous two and is the one that offers the possibility of beginning to receive results as soon as possible in those who implement and optimize the customer acquisition tools (Website).
A hybrid campaign for a Public Adjuster has an investment that starts at $6000.00 onwards and combines media presence with organic positioning. This type of campaign yields very good results since the market response can be seen in the short-medium term, 1 to 4 months, promoting branding during this time because the Local presence is improved while positions on Google are improved.
If the average ticket for a “Public Adjuster” would be $3,500.00 (this is the minimum earned on average per client, according to Local market statistics) any campaign that attracts a minimum of 8 contracts/month would have its costs covered and it would be yielding a positive return.